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Clinic Locations

St Barts.PNG

38 Giltspur Street, London, EC1A 7BS


+44(0)300 131 1432


Clinics:  Monday PM


High Road, Buckhurst Hill IG9 5HX


+44(0)20 8505 3311


Clinics: Monday, Tuesday & Friday PM

Spire LE.PNG

Roding Lane South, Redbridge, IG4 5PZ


+44(0)203 553 0133


Clinics: Wednesday PM

To arrange an appointment please contact these hospitals directly on the numbers above.


If you require any further information please make contact with Dr Tanwar's medical secretary  Susan by the following ways:


Dr Tanwar is happy to see self paying and privately insured patients both with and without a referral. 
Dr Tanwar is fee recognised by all the major health insurance providers including:

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